Friendly Tonkinese Cat - Basic Facts, Care Guide and Price Info

Cat lovers, as well as people who just decided on such a pet for the first time, should get interested in the popular breed - the Tonkinese cat. This magnificent animal is very sociable, plus its fur is quite short, thanks to which shedding is not as annoying. What should you know about these cuddly creatures? Is it a cat for everyone? Find out.

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The Tonkinese cat - the animal’s origins

The Tonkinese cat is a cross-breed of the Siamese and the Birman. The first mentions of the new breed appeared in the United States in the 1930s. But enthusiasts of these animals claim that the breed is much older and originated in the 19th century, suggesting Thailand as the place of origin.

Tonkinese cats gained their name and the popularity in the 1960s. Note that Tonkin is a region in Vietnam, and the cats are closely connected with it.

What does the Tonkinese cat look like?

Correctly maintained cats of this breed should have a slim and muscular silhouette. They resemble exotic cats thanks to the head and ears. Tonkinese cats are considered medium-sized animals. Females grow up to 25-30 cm (9.8-11.8 in). Male cats are only slightly larger, and grow up to 30-35 cm (11.8-13.8 in).

The correct weigh of a male cat should fall between 5 and 6 kg (11-13.2 lb). Females are lighter and usually weigh 2-5 kg (4.4-11 lb).

Blue eyes are a characteristic feature of Tonkinese cats. But it’s not a rule. Some cats of this breed have eyes in the following colors:

  • green,
  • yellow.

The Tonkinese cat - what is its personality?

The Tonkinese cat is an exceptionally friendly anima. Animals of this breed seek for company and interaction of humans. But note that they have a strong need for exercise, so one has to devote a lot of attention to them.

The cat has a natural high curiosity about the surrounding world. It will check its environment carefully. Remember that it extends to the area beyond the house or apartment. The high drive to move and play around also result in a big appetite.

Note that the cat has the Siamese in its blood - and many claim Siamese are very loud. The Tonkinese produces characteristic noises as well, but compared to the Siamese, it’s a much quieter animal.

Does the Tonkinese cat get along well with other animals?

The Tonkinese likes the presence of other cats. But note that the method for socialization involves introducing the cat to the group when it’s still a kitten. Thanks to this, the process of getting to know each other is gradual and much easier.

The Tonkinese cat is a perfect companion for a dog. But make sure the cat has an option to jump somewhere higher, where the dog has no access. Socialization of the cat and the dog is also essential to teach it living in a group. Initial isolation might be necessary, in this case.

Is the Tonkinese a cat for everyone?

Tonks, as some call this breed, require a constant attention. Tonkinese kittens are very active and often quite mischievous. The breed has a high need of contact with humans. These cats are also eager to play, and as a result - relatively loud. If you decide on a Tonkinese cat, keep in mind that left alone in the house or apartment, it might be a noisy animal.

Because of its eagerness to play, the Tonkinese cat is a perfect companion for the youngest members of the family. Frequent visits of strangers aren’t a problem for these cats’ either.

How to groom a Tonkinese cat?

Cats of this breed aren’t difficult to groom - mostly thanks to their short hair. It doesn’t require excessive brushing. You can do it once a week or even less frequently. Just like in other cats, tonks require checking their ears and claws regularly.

How to pick the best diet for the Tonkinese cat?

The diet of a Tonkinese cat should take its high activity level into account. The food must meet the cat’s nutritional needs, as well as the age. Don’t limit the cat’s menu to dry food only. Enrich its diet with wet cat food as well.

What are the most common diseases Tonkinese cats suffer from?

The Tonkinese breed is considered resistant to many diseases. Regardless, if the cat has contact with other pets, it might catch various viral and bacterial illnesses from them.

This breed is commonly affected by teeth and gums issues. Retina degradation is another common problem which might lead to worse eyesight, and eventually blindness.

The Tonkinese cat - lifespan

The Tonkinese cat is considered a long-living breed. The average lifespan of these animals is from 13 to 15 years. Keep in mind that these are just statistics, and each cat’s situation is different. In some cases, tonks provided with an excellent care live even 20 years.

The Tonkinese cat - price

The prices for an animal depend mostly on the breeder and the animal’s colors. A blue Tonkinese cat is usually much more expensive than a cat with standard colors. A kitten from a reputable breeder costs about $800 on average, but some unique cats may cost over $1,200.

📍 What does the Tonkinese cat look like?

The Tonkinese cat is a medium-sized animal. Its body build is sometimes referred to as oriental. The characteristic appearance is a result of the round head and widely set ears. If fed properly, the Tonkinese cat has a sharp and muscular silhouette.

📍 Where to buy a Tonkinese cat?

Thanks to its popularity, the Tonkinese cat is widely available. If you decide to purchase such an animal, make sure to pick a reputable breeder. Thanks to this, you can be sure that the cat doesn't have any hidden diseases.

📍 How much does the Tonkinese cat cost?

The price of a Tonkinese cat mostly depends on the animal's color, and on the breeder. The lowest prices start at $600, but some breeders sell Tonkinese kittens for over $1,200.

📍 How long does the Tonkinese cat live?

The Tonkinese cat is a long-living breed. On average, these cats live from 13 to 15 years. In proper conditions, they can live a few years longer.

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