How Long Do Cats Live? Check the Life Expectancy of Your Cat

Are you planning to adopt or buy a cat? They are very elegant and clever animals, loved all over the world. As it turns out, the lifespan of a domestic cat might be different from other breeds. Are you not sure which breed to pick so that you can enjoy the moments with your pet as long as possible? Check how long cats live and decide.

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What does cat lifespan depend on?

The life expectancy of a domestic cat and any other breed depends on many factors - not only genetic ones. Lifestyle and exercise are the two most important issues. Even the biggest cat-couch potatoes should be encouraged to daily walks, as only this can prevent them from getting obese. But that’s not all. Cat lifespan also depends on:

  • daily diet,
  • congenital and acquired diseases,
  • living conditions,
  • veterinary care.

Animals visiting a veterinary clinic with their owners at least once a year have a substantially bigger chance for a long life. This way, even if some health issues occur, they can be quickly diagnosed and treated before becoming serious.

Some experts also suggest to neuter cats - regardless of their breed. This way, one can prevent many reproductive organs diseases.,147,2600

How long do house cats live?

Domestic cats are also known as alley cats or tabby cats. They are the most common type of cats, which results from the fact that humans don’t interfere with their breeding. As it turns out, such cats have the longest lifespan because of their genetics and resilience to various diseases.

With good living conditions and feeding, a domestic cat can live even 15-20 years, which is a really good result.

The British Shorthair - how long do the cats live?

British Shorthairs can live from 7-8 years, up to even 12-14 years. A lot depends on their care, feeding, and exercise.

Obesity is the biggest threat to the British Shorthair. For this reason, one should make sure the animal has enough exercise, as it’s the main factor deciding on the cat’s life expectancy.

How long do Bengal cats live?

Bengal cats look beautiful, resembling miniature tigers and leopards (which are their ancestors, anyway). Unfortunately, this breed lives very short - the lifespan of such a cat is 7-8 years at most.

Can you make a Bengal cat live longer? It’s possible with proper living conditions and diet. Regular visits to a veterinarian clinic are also highly crucial. How long do the indoor cats live, in this case? Very often, even up to 10 years, and without a genetic load - sometimes up to 16.

How long do Abyssinian cats live?

Abyssinian cats are characteristic for their slim silhouette, long neck and peculiar wide ears. They are very lively animals - they love moving around, so obesity is not a threat to them. But it doesn’t really affect the cat’s lifespan. Their typical life expectancy falls between 10 and 15 years, which doesn’t really break the record.

Interestingly enough, Abyssinian cats are very mischievous. Heavy objects they knock over from higher spots might be a threat to them.

How long do Maine Coon cats live?

Maine Coon cats are very characteristic for their very long fur and thick tail. This animal is not very prone to genetic diseases. How long do these cats live? Usually even up to 15 years.

Sometimes, Maine Coon cats have hidden heart diseases - which seriously shortens the cat’s lifespan. That’s why it’s so important to pick a trusted breeder and ask for medical documentation before buying a cat.

Persian cats - how long do those indoor cats live?

Persian cats are prone to many various diseases as a result of their genetics. But with proper care, they can live up to 15-17 years. How long do those cats live on average? Typically, the lifespan is much shorter - 12 years.

Persian cats have a great tendency to gain weight. Lack of exercise and wrong diet even for a short time might lead to obesity. This can cause heart and cardiovascular system diseases. In this case, the cat’s life expectancy shortens.

How long do Sphinx cats live?

Sphinxes are one of the most interesting-looking cats. The lack of fur and their intriguing gaze are two characteristics that decide about taking them home. How long do those cats live as pets? Usually 12-15 years.

Note that Sphinx cats are very sensitive animals, and they require a lot of care. Even the smallest mistakes can influence their health and lifespan.

📍 How long does a tabby cat live?

A tabby cat, or an alley cat, is one of the longest living animals. It can live up to 20 years. A lot depends on whether the cat lives indoors or outdoors. Diet, care and genetic conditions also impact the cat's lifespan.

📍 How long do cats live on average?

Depending on the breed, cats live from 7 to even 20 years. A lot depends on whether the animals are prone to diseases, what breeder they come from and what care is provided to them. Sometimes, animals that normally live 7-8 years, can live up to 15 years.

📍 How long do Russian Blue cats live?

The Blue Russian cat is one of the most resilient animals. Its natural adaptive skills make them live up to 15, or even 18 years.

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