Maine Coon Cat - Crucial Facts You Must Know Before Getting One
The Maine Coon cat is stealing hearts of more and more people. This animal is distinct for its calm character, although some think otherwise. It's a very sociable pet that follows you practically everywhere and loves playing (although it's not as agile as other cat breeds because of its massive silhouette). Learn all about the Maine Coon cat - its lifespan, weight and personality. Check the most important facts you should know before a Maine Coon appears in your home.

What is the Maine Coon cat known for?
The Maine Coon cat is characteristic for its size and muscular body. All cats considered - it’s one of the largest breeds. The “giant cat” puts some people on edge, although there’s no reason to be afraid. Despite the menacing looks, the animal has a very calm personality - there’s nothing to be scared of.
The large size is not the only feature of the Maine Coon. The “gentle giant” - that’s the common nickname of the breed, is also very sociable. The animal gets very attached to its owner and is very loyal. Instead of walking its own paths, as other cats tend to do, this pet keeps you company nearly all the time. For this reason, some say that the Maine Coon cat has a personality of a dog.
What does the Maine Coon cat look like?
As already mentioned, the Maine Coon cat is characteristic for its massiveness. But that’s not its only distinct feature. You can recognize the breed by large, wide ears and long, thick fur. Maine Coons have interesting-looking “tufts,” and their tails are very long and fluffy.
The coloration is very important as well. Maine Coons have a range of colors in a couple dozens of different versions. Although grey and orange cats are the most popular ones, the fur can also have a green or blue hue.
The Maine Coon cat personality
Maine Coon cats are very sociable, and they need attention. They are perfect animals for those who can afford enough time to take care of them - not necessarily at home. Those pets love travelling, provided that a member of the family is with them.
If brought up from a kitten, Maine Coons are very calm and well-behaving. They learn quickly and aren’t very problematic. Interestingly enough, if taught to walk on a leash from the beginning, they can go for longer walks - just like with small dogs.
The Maine Coon cat is a very calm, non-aggressive animal. It’s a perfect choice if there are small children at home, who have just started learning the proper behaviour towards animals - and tend to pull their tails sometimes.
The Maine Coon gets along well with other animals - both cats and dogs. It’s a perfect pet for those who plan to have more animals at home.
The Maine Coon cat - care tips
Regular brushing of the thick fur is the basic element of taking care of the Maine Coon cat. It should be done at least every other day, but it’s better to brush the animal daily. This way you avoid the formation of difficult tangles.
Apart from this, the Maine Coon doesn’t need any special treatment, except from a regular cutting of the claws and cleaning of the ears. You don’t have to do this yourself, though. You can ask a specialist to do it for you.
The Maine Coon cat - are there any diseases to know about?
Unfortunately, the Maine Coon cat is prone to genetical disorders. As specialists stress - heart diseases are the most common issues of Maine Coons. They often suffer from mypertrophic cardiomyopathy. That’s why it’s important to often check their health at a veterinary clinic.
If you want to buy a Maine Coon cat, ask the breeder for documentation of the cat’s health. This way, you can be sure that you won’t get a sick animal.
Maine Coon cats - price
The price for a Maine Coon cat depends on the breeder you pick. The prices also differ depending on whether the cat’s ancestors have won any prizes e.g. in a cat show.
📍 How much does a Maine Coon eat?
The Maine Coon cat eats more than standard cats - because of its size and weight. We recommend consulting this with a specialist. Make sure that the cat gets the right type of food. You can find special mixes for this breed in pet stores.
📍 The Maine Coon lifespan - how long do they live?
The Main Coon's lifespan can reach up to 15-18 years. A lot depends on how well the animal is treated, as well as its health. Well-tended animals live up to the upper line. Weaker and disease-prone cats live no longer than 10 years.
📍 How much does a Maine Coon cost?
The price of a Maine Coon mostly depends on the breeder. If you decided to get an animal of this breed, make sure to browse through all the offers and pick the best one. Make sure the breeder is trusted.
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