The Basic Guide to Cane Corso - Size, Temperament, Feeding, Care
The Cane Corso is one of the largest dogs in the world. This mastiff is also very clever and has a great potential to be a guard dog. The breed is particularly popular in Italy, so it's often referred to as cane corso italiano, or the Italian mastiff. It's less common in other parts of Europe. Is the Cane Corso a dog for just anyone? Learn what you should know before you decide on such a pet.

The origin of the Cane Corso
The Cane Corso dog comes from the Apennine Peninsula. As the tale goes, it’s a descendant of the large Roman Molossian Canis Pungax. The origins of the name Cane Corso aren’t entirely clear. The word ‘cane’ means “dog” in Italian, while the other part of the name derives from the Latin ‘cohors’ which means “a guard.” It’s also important to know that the breed went nearly extinct in the 20th century. Currently, the breed has been restored thanks to professional breeders.
The FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale), International Canine Federation has approved the Cane Corso relatively late, that is, in 1996. According to the standard, the breed is classified under the group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossoid and Swiss, Mountain and Cattledogs, that is, Molossian, Mastiff type dogs.
The Cane Corso – size, colors, and appearance
The Cane Corso is a large, muscular dog with a balanced frame. As the standard indicates, male dogs weigh 45-51 kg (99.21-112.44 lb) on average, while measuring 62-71 cm (2.03-2.33 ft) at withers. Cane Corso females are only slightly smaller. Their weight oscillates between 40 and 45 kg (88.18-99.21 lb), with a height of 58-66 cm (1.9-2.17 ft) at withers.
The dog’s head is relatively large in comparison to the rest of the dog’s body. The hair is thick and short. Cane Corsos have various colors ranging between grey, blue, black, and red. Dogs of this breed used to have their ears and tails cut, but currently such practices are banned.
The Cane Corso – temperament
Cane Corsos are dogs of a strong temperament. They quickly get attached to their main caregiver, and they are completely loyal to them. They are friendly towards the rest of the family, but these relations aren’t as close. Thanks to a proper socialization process, the dog can become a perfect family companion, including contact with the youngest family members.
Dogs of this breed are often used by the police as tracking dogs. Note that Cane Corsos aren’t aggressive, and they won’t attack without having a serious reason. They were used as guard dogs in the past, which makes them wary of anyone entering their territory. This includes animals. But they won’t harm anyone without provocation.
Are Cane Corsos good dogs for everyone?
The Cane Corso is not an aggressive breed. Because of its build and bearing, it might seem intimidating, and is a bit stubborn. The breed requires a consistent caregiver who is able to tame its strong personality. This means hard training every day. It’s not the best breed for first-time dog owners who lack experience.
The Cane Corso – training
Because of their stature and temperament – dogs of this breed have to be socialized from their earliest days. Cane Corso puppies need to start special classes to learn obedience and basic commands. It’s crucial for the future, when they become larger and taller.
Training a Cane Corso is a challenge, and the owner should be consistent in their actions and setting boundaries. Otherwise, the Cane Corso will quickly spot any inconsistencies, and use them to its advantage. In such a case, the dog will be more difficult to control.
Cane Corso dogs – diet and feeding
As for feeding, Cane Corso dogs aren’t complicated. They don’t need any restrictive diet. But their food should be rich in animal-based products – most importantly, meat. Also, take care of additional ingredients that positively affect the dog’s bones and joints. It’s a large dog, and it weighs a lot, therefore, it needs a lot of food.
In puppyhood, make sure the dog receives an adequate number of meals. Thanks to this, the Cane Corso puppy has a chance to properly develop. Continuing feeding the dog with the same food it received from the breeder is a good idea. You can change it later.
An adult dog should receive food less frequently than a puppy. Note that dry dog food is typically richer in calories than wet food. Keep that in mind when preparing a menu for the dog, to avoid overfeeding.
Does the Cane Corso need special grooming?
The Cane Corso is easy to groom. The dog doesn’t need any time-consuming treatments. The owner should focus on weekly fur brushing to remove dead hairs. Also, pay attention to the dog’s ears, and clean them as needed. Similarly, control the claws once every two weeks, and clip them if they are too long. If you want to avoid tartar on your dog’s teeth, control and clean them every day.
The Cane Corso – diseases
The breed is generally very healthy. As every large dog, the Cane Corso is the most vulnerable to hip dysplasia and volvulus. Owners of Cane Corso dogs should take them frequently to a veterinary clinic. Thanks to this, one can maintain the dog’s perfect health, and quickly provide any necessary treatment.
The Cane Corso – lifespan
Cane Corso dogs aren’t record breakers when it comes to their lifespan. On average, they live from 10 to 12 years. Note that it’s not a fixed rule. Everything depends on the dog’s living conditions, as well as any diseases it might suffer from through its life.
The Cane Corso puppies – price
The Cane Corso is not the most expensive breed. Nonetheless, keep in mind that the breed is not popular in some parts of the world, so the number of reputable breeders might be limited, depending on where you live. Because of this, the prices for a Cane Corso puppy differ, which is affected not only by its pedigree, but also color. The average price falls between $1,500 and $2,500.
📍 How long do Cane Corso dogs live?
Cane Corsos usually live above the average dog lifespan. They live between 10 and 12 years. Of course, it's not a rule. Some Cane Corso dogs live more than 12 years.
📍 Where can I find a Cane Corso for sale?
The Cane Corso is a truly majestic animal. If you decided you want such a dog, search for announcements from breeders specializing in this particular breed. By purchasing a Cane Corso puppy from a reputable breeder, you can be sure you get a healthy dog.
📍 The Cane Corso – how much does it cost?
The Cane Corso dogs aren't the most expensive. Depending on the breeder and the dog's pedigree, prices for a puppy may greatly differ. A Cane Corso dog typically costs between $1,500 and $2,500.
📍 How to train a Cane Corso puppy?
Cane Corso dogs require intense socialization. It should be started from the puppy's earliest days, by making it familiar with sounds and surroundings, but also people and other animals. Thanks to this, your Cane Corso won't be overly wary in its adult life.
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