4 Best Apartment Dogs - Find a Perfect Dog for Your Apartment
People living in apartment complexes or tenement buildings don't have to give up their dreams of adopting a dog. But such a move needs thinking through. The pet's happiness depends on the owner's decision. Low-maintenance dogs are worth considering when looking for a pet for an apartment. Some breeds feel great in such environments. Take a look at the most popular ones.

Good apartment dogs - why is it important to pick the right breed?
A dog for an apartment shouldn’t be a random choice. Before making a decision, think whether you are able to provide the animal with proper care. Picking a particular breed is crucial, in this case. Some doggy friends require a lot of physical exercise and big open spaces - which people living in apartments can rarely offer.
Are you wondering if you can have a dog in an apartment? Yes - but you need to remember about several crucial aspects. A four-legged companion needs a place to sleep and rest. If you decide to adopt a dog, you also have to make sure to go for walks every day and ensure proper feeding.
Some dog breeds aren’t good for living in an apartment, because of their specific traits. But it doesn’t mean you have to forget about having a dog. Certain breeds feel great in apartments.
Are small breeds good apartment dogs?
A small apartment dog seems the most obvious and rational solution. A great majority of people think that a small animal is perfect for an apartment, and that it won’t cause any big trouble. It’s true, but only partially.
Note that in addition to size, the dog’s character is important as well. Small dogs are noisy and tiresome sometimes - not only to the family, but more importantly, to the neighbors. A small size doesn’t define the animal’s character in any way.
Sometimes, larger dogs are much calmer, especially after training with a specialist. For this reason, the size of a particular breed shouldn’t be a decisive factor. Check everything related to the breed’s temperament and training possibilities.
What to keep in mind when choosing dog breeds for apartments?
Are you wondering about the best apartment dogs? Future owners who decide on a pet, should remember about several crucial traits of the animal. In addition to breed and size, one should also consider:
- whether the animal has fur or hair,
- how energetic the dog is,
- typical behavior of the breed,
- if the animal has a tendency to shed,
- how much exercise the dog needs.
If you’re looking for an apartment dog for someone suffering from allergies, a breed with hair is the best option. Dogs covered with fur might be problematic. Shed fur stays on carpets and furniture.
Pay attention to energy levels of the animal. Dogs with a lot of relentless vigor might be up to mischief if left alone at home.
Which breeds are bad for apartments?
When choosing a dog for an apartment, note that some dogs aren’t suited to such spaced. This group includes the largest animals such as St. Bernard and Tibetan mastiff. These animals require a large garden.
Jack Russel Terrier - a cheerful apartment dog
Jack Russel Terrier is a perfect example of an active dog which is perfect for an apartment - but only if the owner likes a lot of exercise. Dogs of this breed make great companions for jogging - long distances aren’t a problem for them.
Jack Russel Terrier is highly intelligent and learns fast. Such a dog understands all hygiene rules in no time. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about unpleasant surprises after coming home. These pets are cheerful and quickly find contact with small children.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - one of the best apartment dogs
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is yet another perfect breed for a small apartment. If you decide on such a pet, note that it is easy to train, and, more importantly, very obedient.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a very sociable animal that quickly grows attached to its owners. The breed is also perfect for homes with small children. The dog is very trusting, so pay a special attention to it during walks.
Basset - a medium apartment dog
Basset is an exceptionally sociable and happy dog that doesn’t like being left alone. But if all its needs are met, it can endure several hours of loneliness. It feels best in the company of its owner or other family members.
Dogs of this breed are perfect for apartments. But they require regular walks. Because of their hunting instinct, these dogs have to be always kept on a leash. Otherwise, if they catch a scent of an animal, they might ignore the owner’s calls and not turn back.
Greyhound - a perfect large apartment dog
Greyhound is considered one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Despite their size, these dogs feel great in apartments. They are referred to as calm and balanced animals. They are also incredibly loyal, sociable, and they like children.
Greyhounds get quickly attached to their owners. These dogs are also very patient and non-aggressive. There is one element of taking care of this dog when living in an apartment. The dog needs long walks every day.
📍 Dog in an apartment - what breed is the best?
Typically, a small dog is the best solution. Of course, it's not a rule, as some large god breeds are perfect for apartments. Other ideal apartment dogs include Jack Russel Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Basset and Greyhound.
📍 How big can an apartment dog be?
The size of a dog kept in an apartment is an individual matter. Some tolerate only small dogs, while others prefer larger breeds. Make sure to think your decision through.
📍 What are the best dogs for an apartment with children?
A dog for an apartment where a child lives is just a seemingly difficult choice. You can pick from a few different breeds that are perfect for a home pet, and be sure they are gentle toward children. For instance, Jack Russel Terrier is a great choice.
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