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New Puppy Checklist - Learn What Puppy Supplies You Can't Miss

A dog is not only tons of joy and a perfect everyday companion, but also a great responsibility one has to prepare for. A puppy starter kit is one of the most important elements to welcome the puppy in its new home. Learn what necessary items must appear on a new puppy checklist. Choose the best dog essentials.

New Puppy Checklist -  Learn What Puppy Supplies You Can't Miss

Puppy essentials - food is most important

Food is one of the most important items on a new puppy checklist. For the first days, when the puppy and the owner are still getting to know each other, choose small, individually packaged dog food portions. You cannot be sure whether the puppy will like the food you feed it, and it’s a waste to throw out a larger package.

A dog is an important family member, so pay attention to the ingredients of the dry food you buy. It’s best if it contains over 30% of meat. If you have never had a dog, remember that regardless of the dog’s breed and size you shouldn’t give it dry and wet food at the same time. The two types are digested differently, and such a combination might cause stomach issues.

Puppy essentials - food is most important

Dog essentials - a collar, a harness and a leash

Regardless of the breed, every dog likes and should be taken for a walk regularly. There are certain dog accessories for this purpose. To make them functional, their size and type must fit the dog’s weight.

As claimed by specialists, one shouldn’t use a flexi type leash because it might cause difficulties with learning to heel. You can buy dog accessories of this type after the dog learns the basic commands.

A dog bed - one of the most basic items on a new puppy checklist

A dog’s bed is an obligatory, essential puppy starter kit element. To learn where its own place is, where the dog can hide and unwind is important for the dog’s proper development.

For puppies, who love to bite everything they get in their little paws, you can buy a cheap dog bed or even make one yourself using old blankets or duvets. At this stage, buying expensive dog accessories does not make much sense, since you are going to have to replace it anyway.

A dog bed - one of the most basic item on a new puppy checklist

Everyday puppy essentials – food and water bowls

Every dog, upon arriving at its new owners’ home, should be equipped with two bowls – one for food and one for water. In this case, choose metal products, preferably with an anti-slippery base to lower the chances that the contents get spilled onto the floor.

Ceramic dog bowls are not a very safe solution, and the ones made of plastic aren’t too durable.

Additional puppy supplies – a kennel

A kennel is simply a special crate for a dog. It’s worth having, but it’s not an obligatory new puppy checklist item. A dog cage is not only a safe way to transport your puppy, but also its safe zone and a good method to protect the animal from harming itself.

Additional puppy supplies – a kennel

Puppy supplies for its proper development – dog toys and chews

Toys and chews are dog essentials which should appear on a new puppy checklist. They are particularly useful for active puppers. When you decide to buy a dog, you should keep in mind that those animals have a physiological need to chew. It might be destructive for the dog’s surroundings. To keep the furniture and home accessories intact, invest in high quality dog toys.

Apart from the mentioned puppy starter kit, you can also decide to purchase other dog essentials, which you can change as the dog grows.

📍 How much do dog accessories cost?

It's hard to talk about any specific costs you have to spend when buying puppy supplies, as each item has a different price. The range is really wide, and it all depends on the quality and the brand you choose.

📍 What items should appear on a new puppy checklist?

New puppy essentials include a dog bed, water and food bowls and food. Do not wait too long to purchase a leash, to teach the puppy walk on it. A pleasure in form of a toy is also an obligatory item.

📍 Where to buy puppy supplies?

Puppy supplies and dog accessories can be purchased at pet stores. There, you will get basically anything you need. Some products like a dog bed or food can also be bought at supermarkets. If you cannot find anything interesting in physical stores – browse online shops.