Toyger Cat Breed Info - Personality, Feeding, Care, Kittens, Prices
The toyger is a breed of cats that resembles a wild tiger. That's the origin of their name - toy tigers. What are the characteristics of these animals? Are these cats moody just like the wild cats, or are they perfect everyday companions? Check what you should know before you take a toyger cat home.

The toyger - where does this wild breed come from?
The toyger is a relatively young cat breed that originated in 1980. That’s when Judy Sugden, interested in tabby cats, has observed a cat with a characteristic pattern resembling tiger stripes. This event prompted her to select a group of cats of similar appearance and stabilize the breed. By picking about 40 cats from different regions, the toyger breed has been created. It wasn’t an easy task, but the results, as seen in the animals, are astonishing.
The breed was initially approved by TICA at the beginning of the 90s. But the toyger was officially accepted as a breed in 2007. Because of the young age of the breed, in estimation, there are over 35 toyger catteries in the world. It means that becoming an owner of such a cat is not as easy as it seems.
What do toyger cats look like?
The toyger cat has a characteristic appearance - it’s its greatest advantage. Its head is medium-sized with a distinct, slightly oval shape. These cats have a defined muzzle and a long, thick tail. The cat’s body is strong and muscular, but not bulky thanks to this, these animals look elegant and dignified.
The unusual pattern, which closely resembles the one of the predators living in the wild, is the most characteristic feature of this breed. According to the accepted standard, the cat’s body has to be covered with black stripes. They can also be brown or tan. The stripes should be irregular - so they resemble the ones tigers have. Young kittens usually don’t have their colors fully developed, but it shouldn’t be a reason to worry during the first months of the cat’s life. The correct coat should appear after several shedding seasons.
Toyger cat - personality
The toyger is a very intelligent and friendly breed. The animal’s lack of fear of people combined with its high energy levels are quite characteristic. The cat feels great in domestic conditions - it can even learn how to open cupboards. It’s agile and quite smart. Because of this, one has to pay a lot of attention to the animal and play with it. The pet might take certain actions to attract the caregiver’s attention.
If you want to keep the pet occupied, make sure it has several toys designed for cats lying around. They can be various toys with e.g., catnip - which might relax the cat. Plushies with bells inside and interactive toys designed to train the cat’s intelligence are also a good option.
How does the toyger react to other animals?
The toyger gets along surprisingly well with other animals at home. It’s not possessive about its caregiver, nor aggressive towards other animals being present at home. Of course, it requires time and socialization, but in fact, the cat requires company. It’s essential especially if the owner works and has to leave the cat alone for several hours. A company of another tabby is a great entertainment and addition to everyday fun. Consider this if you decide to take a toyger kitten home. Some owners decide on 2 cats of the same breed right away, so they can grow up together.
Is the toyger a breed for everyone?
The toyger is a perfect companion for everyone who loves cats. But note that these cats dislike loneliness and require a lot of attention from their caregivers - basically every day. You shouldn’t show interest in the pet just sporadically, when you happen to have a free moment for it. Such behaviour doesn’t affect the cat’s development positively.
If you spend a lot of time away from home, you have to decide if getting a cat of this breed is surely a good idea. Especially if it is going to be the only pet at home. Are you wondering why? If left alone, it will get bored. It might start breaking some things at home. If you’re planning a longer absence, make sure the animal has access not only to food and water, but also toys, so it can kill time and entertain itself.
Does the toyger need special care?
The toyger doesn’t require any additional care, apart from the standard grooming needed by every cat breed. It means you have to control the cat’s claws and ears. Cutting the claws is important, so the cat doesn’t destroy your furniture. If your pet doesn’t like it, make sure it has access to a scratching post, so it can shorten its claws. Cleaning the pet’s ears prevents serious, painful infections that might require veterinary treatment.
It’s good to brush the cat’s fur regularly, too. This way, you can remove various types of dirt and protect your home from the ubiquitous hair. Bathing should be treated as a last resort - the cats react poorly to water because of their fear of it.
What does the toyger’s diet look like?
The toyger is a breed requiring a proper diet. Note that it’s a carnivorous animal, just like all cats. The breed also has a tendency to food allergies, so make sure to exclude cereal products from its diet.
The toyger cat has a very delicate stomach, so it’s good to consult any changes in the feeding with a veterinarian.
Young toyger kittens should receive meals more frequently than adult cats. They might require feeding even 5-6 times per day in small portions. Thanks to this, they receive all essential nutrients, crucial for their proper development, without risking any digestive issues and stomach ache. It’s because of their immature digestive system.
As they age, the number of meals should get gradually limited. You can alternate wet and dry food - note that dry cat food is more calorific. Stick to predetermined daily food doses to prevent obesity. If you have no idea whether a particular food dosage is enough, you can ask a veterinarian for help.
Toyger cats - what diseases they might suffer from?
The toyger breed is still being developed. It means that it’s difficult to distinguish any particular diseases associated with these cats. Currently, no particular disease affecting the majority of the population has been recognized. Anemia is the only observed ailment. It appears more often in toyger cats in comparison to other breeds.
What is the typical lifespan of toyger cats?
The toyger is considered a very long-living cat. Note that it’s a relatively new breed, and the collected data is rudimentary - it suggests that these cats can live from 12 to 15 years on average. The cat’s lifespan depends on how the owner treats the pet. Animals that visit a veterinary clinic more frequently and remain under a vet’s regular care, live much longer. It’s because in such a case, any developmental or health issues can be easily detected.
The toyger cat - price for a kitten
If you decided to purchase a toyger kitten, prepare to spend a lot of money. Although these animals are becoming increasingly popular, the breed is rare in comparison with other cats. Most importantly, the number of breeders in the world is highly limited. Prices for a kitten start at $1,500, but the amount of money you have to prepare might be much higher. In some cases, toyger kittens cost over $3,000. But it’s an animal worth its price.
📍 What does the toyger cat look like?
Because of its appearance, the toyger is also called a tiger cat. Its fur has characteristic stripes, just like its wild cousin. Despite its intimidating appearance, the breed is very friendly and intelligent. The toyger is also a playful cat that loves cuddling with its caregiver.
📍 How much does a toyger cost?
The toyger is not the cheapest breed. If you decide to buy a kitten, be prepared to spend a lot of money. The price mostly depends on the breeder. The cost of a toyger kitten starts at $1,500 and can exceed $3,000.
📍 Where to buy a toyger cat?
You can purchase a toyger from a breeder. If you decide on such a kitten, make sure to buy from a trusted source. This guarantees the pet complies with the breed's standard. Thanks to this, you can be sure you're getting a healthy animal that has been checked by a veterinarian.
📍 What do toyger cats eat?
Note that, just like all cats, toygers are carnivores. For this reason, avoid feeding them with products containing cereals and rich in gluten. The cat's stomach is very sensitive, so it requires properly adjusted food. You can decide on dry or wet food recommended by veterinarians.
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