Capybara - Characteristics, Lifespan, Facts About Capybaras
Capybaras are mammals belonging to the group of rodents, just like mice, guinea pigs, chinchillas and rat. The only significant difference is their big size - that's why they are called giant rodents. They can weigh up to 65 kilograms. At first, this mammal was considered a pig species, but in time it has been proven that it's more similar to rodents. Capybaras are often referred to as oversized guinea pigs.

Capybara - behaviour and life
Capybaras are often referred to as a gigantic representative of their species. These animals might be encountered in households, where they are kept in groups. Keep in mind, though, that keeping a capybara as a pet is illegal in some places.
Capybaras are very friendly animals, but they have their peculiar habits and needs. The average lifespan of a capybara is from 8 to 10 years.
Capybaras are excellent swimmers, and they can hold their breath for 5 minutes. If you decide on a capybara pet, make sure to take at least one pair - they don’t like being alone. Males can cause some problems after a while, even if sterilized. It results from their natural need to fight over the territory.
Taking care of these pets is not problematic. Remember that if you raise a baby capybara, one might expect it to get fully tamed and accustomed to its humans. It’s different if you purchase adult capybaras. In this case, one has to give them time to get used to the new place and people taking care of them.
What is the typical life of a capybara?
Capybaras prefer spots located close to bodies of water. They find shelter from the sun in water - because of their thin hair. It doesn’t protect them from high temperatures. Capybaras are excellent swimmers, but they aren’t as skilled on land - they run clumsily, and hide in tall grasses in case of a danger.
Note that capybaras are social animals. A group usually consists of one male, a group of females and baby capybaras.
Can you tame a capybara?
Despite their looks, capybaras are very intelligent and sociable animals. They can be easily tamed and even taught simple commands. The key information is whether you can keep these exotic animals as pets - it’s illegal in some places. What’s more, even if it’s allowed, keeping them at home might be impossible.
If you decide to get a capybara pet, remember that these animals need a lot of space - with shaded areas and a pool of water (at least 3 meter deep). In winter, they cannot be kept outside in cold climates - because of low temperatures.
Capybara price - how much does this animal cost?
Capybaras are expensive pets. One animal costs around $2000. But remember that they are social creatures. It means you have to buy at least a pair.
Keeping a capybara pet at home
Keeping capybaras in domestic conditions is possible, but very demanding. You need a large, fenced area. Some spots should be shaded, so the capybaras can hide from the Sun. They also require a 3 meters deep pool of water. Taking care of their diet is key - they need special food, which might not be available where you live. If so, you’ll have to order it from abroad.
Typical health issues of the giant rodent
Wild capybaras don’t live as long as domesticated ones. Held captive, they often suffer from vitamin C deficiency. Just like other rodents, the main problems of capybaras are respiratory issues, mites and lice in their fur. Indigestion caused by wrong diet is another potential issue.
đź“Ť What does a capybara look like?
Capybara is characterized by its size - it's the biggest currently living rodent. The body length reaches up to 130 centimeters. The animal has a small, residual tail, which is not visible at first glance. Capybaras have 40-50 centimeters at withers. Depending on the conditions they live in, they can weigh from 40 to 65 kilograms.
đź“Ť Where can you buy a capybara?
The capybara, called the largest rodent on Earth, can be purchased only from proven breeders. You cannot catch wild animals and try to tame them. Before buying a capybara, check if owning this animal is legal in your area.
đź“Ť What do capybaras eat?
Capybaras are herbivores, what's more - they are very picky. Their diet consists of two selected plant species. Capybaras mostly eat nearshore grasses. These animals belong to the group of coprophags, which means they obtain some nutrients by eating their own feces.
đź“Ť Where does the capybara live?
Capybara is an animal originating in South America. Wetlands are its natural habitat - mostly equatorial and monsoon forests. They are capable of adapting to new places, but always look for spots near water. They typically decide to stay close to villages and cities.
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