Cockatiel Parrot - Facts You Should Know About Cockatiel Birds
Do you like cockatiels and are considering whether you could keep them as pets? These beautiful birds have stolen the hearts of millions of animals enthusiasts across the world. Why are they so popular? Except from the stunning looks, their interesting, loud singing catches attention as well. Before this animal appears in your house - check what you should know about this animal. Thanks to this, you will know what is the best cage for a cockatiel, what their diet should consist of and how to take care of them.

What are the characteristics of the cockatiel bird?
Cockatiels are among the most popular pet birds. They show strong dimorphism. The males differ by colors and customs. They also have vocal skills, as they are supposed to catch females’ attention. Parrots of this species also use sounds to manifest their satisfaction. Cockatiels’ singing resembles whistling than croaking, so it’s very pleasant. A parrot kept around people can learn some words and repeat them during everyday behaviour.
What’s a typical personality of a cockatiel?
Cockatiels have a very calm and friendly disposition. They are very sociable and therefore get along well with their owners and other birds. During the day, the parrots do various things - they often nap, clean their feathers, nibble on branches (if they are in their cage) and take walks around the cage’s bottom.
Males are much noisier than females. One has to remember to allow the cockatiel parrot to fly around the room or the apartment.
What are typical sounds cockatiels make?
The cockatiel sounds are very characteristic, and they differ from the ones made by other birds. Males sing loudly to catch the attention of females. Parrots of this species also sing when they are content and happy. Male cockatiels start singing when they are 12 months old - they learn the right sounds from other parrots in their flock. As for captive birds, they learn to whistle from humans. A high-pitched sound means a warning about something or just displeasure.
How to choose the right cage for a cockatiel?
A pet cockatiel needs a cage - it’s the most important equipment to take care of if you want to keep the bird at home. A cage for a cockatiel should be rectangular. It’s the optimal solution providing enough space to the animal, without unnecessary slopes or narrowing.
Some owners keep their parrots in cages shaped like houses. But this shape might be problematic for a cockatiel, as it has slopes and various nooks.
A cylinder with a round base is the third type of cage for cockatiels. Bird keepers do not recommend this one, pointing to many negative parameters they present. First, they provide a very limited space, so all the equipment might simply not fit. Plus, moving around such a cage is difficult for a cockatiel.
Cockatiel food - what do cockatiels eat?
How to take care of a cockatiel parrot? Proper feeding is the most important aspect. So the next question is - what do cockatiels eat? Grains make the basis of the bird’s diet. Pet stores offer special mixes containing millet, oats and canary grass seeds. Cockatiels also like eating foxtail millet and oilseeds like sunflower and flax. Remember not to give oilseeds too often to your parrot - it should be just a supplement to the diet, given periodically and in small quantities.
Cockatiel - care and needs
Caring for and keeping cockatiels is not very problematic. Remember that parrots of this species don’t like being left alone. If left on their own in the cage, they might demand company, which might become tiresome. The best decision, in this case, is buying two parrots. Keep in mind that they are monogamous, so once they become partners, you shouldn’t split them.
Cockatiel lifespan - how long do cockatiels live?
In nature, cockatiels live 10-15 years. Well cared for birds have a similar lifespan - up to 15 years.
Cockatiel birds - are they for everyone?
Keeping a cockatiel parrot is not a demanding task. Make sure to provide the best conditions to the bird - start from a large enough cage. If you don’t have enough time to devote your attention to the bird, take two cockatiels so that they can keep company to each other. Don’t forget the birds have to fly, which strengthens their bones - prepare a room or the whole apartment for this and let them fly around.
What are the best toys for cockatiels?
Toys for your cockatiel shouldn’t be the primary equipment in the cage. Be reasonable about it and add several items that fit in the cage, and at the same time don’t block movement for your bird. You can find basic toys like perches in every pet shop.
Where to buy a cockatiel, and how much do they cost?
Cockatiels aren’t the most expensive parrots. Cockatiel breeders offer them for $80-$250, depending on the bird’s mutation. Prices for some parrots sometimes exceed $250. But pet shops offer them for much cheaper.
📍 How long does a cockatiel live?
The cockatiel is a medium-sized bird. Parrots of this species live 10-14 years in the wilderness. If kept at home in a good environment, a bird can live for even 15 years.
📍 How to recognize the gender of a cockatiel?
Cockatiels are easy to distinguish. Just look at your cockatiel's colors - a female has a grey or brown head, spots under remiges and visible stripes under the tail. Adult males don't have any spots or the characteristic "mask." Their head is yellow, often along with the topknot. The cheeks have a spot.
📍 What is the cost of a cockatiel bird?
Cockatiels aren't the most expensive parrots on the market. Depending on where you buy them, they cost from $30 to $250. Sometimes, the price exceeds $250.
📍 How to recognize the age of a cockatiel?
Being able to recognize the age of the bird is crucial when buying a cockatiel. Young parrots have characteristic stripes on their chests. The topknot is thinner and often raised. Adult cockatiels have it folded most of the time.
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